About a week ago, I got a call at my desk from CNN.  My first thought was: who is this and what are they trying to sell me??  Turns out they were doing an article about cycling and business and someone tipped them off to my Midwest Cycling Networking group.

Here’s the article: 

For entrepreneurs, cycling is the new golf

I was more than willing to share the gospel of cycling as well as how it has positively impacted me personally as well as my business’ bottom line.  It’s definitely a “good news” story – I’m in better shape at almost 45 than I was at 25, and I’ve met so many awesome friends over the past 6 years that I lost count a long time ago.  For me, bikes and business have been a true blessing.  I’ve grown my fitness, my business, but most importantly – my base of friends.  Not business-name-tag-wearing acquaintances, but TRUE friends.  Guys who would bail me out of jail at 2:00am on a Saturday, no questions asked.

So after the article was posted for a day or two I went back and re-read it.  By the way, one of the other guys they referenced was John Schnatter, founder of Papa John’s.  Maybe you’ve heard of his business?

Anyway, I read the article and then I read a handful of the comments.  WOW.  Apparently bunch of spiteful, arrogant assholes read the CNN Money Blog.  Here are a couple of sample comments:

“You’re the same as the person riding next to you. So it makes people more approachable. ” What BS, pricks on $5000 bikes are still pricks.

Can’t compare the networking potential between golfing and biking. The idea is dumb. You basically eliminating from your network all people that are out of shape, which is most of the ones that could be beneficial. This article is useless.

Another stupid article by a failing news outlet. Cycling is not the new golf. You aren’t going to invite your client cycling. Especially if he’s a giant fat golf playing couch potato. Even fat people golf. not a lot of fat people out cycling and when they are out cycling, they need to stop wearing the outfit!

I’d go on, but you get the picture.  To make matters worse, Golf Digest ran the article and gave their version of cycling hate speech too:

‘Cycling is the new golf,’ says CNN Money. Really?

Normally, I’d blow this off, but let’s just say I’m in a mood today.  Here was my response:

Interesting. I am featured in this article. I was contacted out of the blue about an opportunity that I set up over 6 years ago to meet like-minded people. It’s amazing how many people want to tear it apart online. It’s simply a group of people who do something they love together. Golf Digest ran this article and ripped apart on the basis that golf is better. Really?

I’d bet that Tiddleywinks Weekly probably doesn’t like it either. I’m just glad I spend my time outdoors doing what I love, rather than trolling the internet looking to offer my negative opinion about anything and everything.

Commence negative comments.

I’m a very easy-going guy.  I ride because I love it.  It makes me a better person, Dad, husband and friend.  I have no tolerance for hate-speech, and I don’t understand it.  If you’re fat and unhappy, change it.  If you enjoy golf or some other sport/activity, great!  That’s what life’s all about.  But to go out of your way to criticize and condemn others for doing something that can only be interpreted as good/healthy, I don’t get it.  Get a life.  In fact, get my life.  Losers.

2013-07-27 09.54.32

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4 responses to ““Cycling is the New Golf””

  1. Kelly Avatar

    Never read the comments section Jason – never…Easy to sit at a keyboard and sling mud. Keep on keepin’ on.


  2. Jason Kayzar Avatar

    Amen to that.

    Ride bikes.
    Drink beer.


  3. rudesounds Avatar

    I read that article and found it quite interesting. I didn’t realize you were featured in it. You had a hand in getting me off the couch and pedaling in earnest even though I haven’t ridden with you in 30 years give or take. It was cool seeing all the networking rides and WORS stuff you used to post on FB. You gave me some gr8 tips and positive encouragement along the way also. I wish I could get off from work sometime and do a morning or network ride. The windy 500 would be cool also. Maybe someday. I gave up golf. I ride by the courses all the time and scoff. Seems so silly…hahhhhhaaaaa.


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